Skin Boosters

We select the best options for long lasting deep hydration and collagen stimulation based on your morphology.
With a full consultation we can describe fully the best skin booster for you.

Other options
  1. Platelet-Rich Plasma (PRP) Skin Boosters: PRP involves extracting a patient's blood, processing it to isolate platelet-rich plasma, and injecting it into the skin. PRP contains growth factors that stimulate collagen production and tissue regeneration. It is often used to improve skin texture, reduce fine lines and wrinkles, and enhance skin rejuvenation.
Our preferred technology is Emcyte.

2. skin and collagen booster. This product will give an instant lift in skin volume but then, over months, stimulate more collagen.

Mesotherapy: Mesotherapy involves injecting a customised cocktail of vitamins, antioxidants, minerals, and other beneficial substances into the skin. This treatment aims to nourish and rejuvenate the skin, improve hydration, and address specific skin concerns. Mesotherapy can be tailored to target various skin issues, such as acne, pigmentation, and dullness.
Our preferred company is BCN, the leader in mesotherapy products.

Micro-needling with Growth Factors:
Micro-needling, or collagen induction therapy, involves creating tiny punctures in the skin using fine needles. This stimulates collagen production and enhances the absorption of growth factors derived from PRP or other sources. Combining micro-needling and growth factors can improve skin texture, reduce scarring, and promote skin rejuvenation.

Polynucleotides- New
(PNs) have gained significant attention in aesthetic medicine for their remarkable ability to rejuvenate and revitalise the skin. This innovative treatment harnesses the power of nucleotides, which are the building blocks of DNA and RNA, to promote skin healing, collagen synthesis, and overall skin rejuvenation. In this article, we will explore the numerous benefits of polynucleotide treatment and how it can enhance the appearance and health of the skin.

Polynucleotides are an injectable treatment that works by bio-stimulation and tissue regeneration. They can be used under the eye, face, and neck and work very differently from gel therapy as they are not volumising.

Polynucleotides are absorbed by the skin and improve the elasticity and quality of the skin by boosting collagen and elastin. They also provide a lovely glow to the skin, protect the skin, improve tissue regeneration, improve wrinkles, and hydrate the skin.

Polynucleotides attract stem cells to the treated area and result in a repairing effect in the tissue. They lead to an instant tightening and improvement of the site, and the results are refreshed.

These molecular particles are made from salmon roe and may not be suitable for patients who have fish allergies.

This therapy needs regular treatments.

Exosomes- NEW

These are very interesting particles of tissue, they were discovered around 30 years ago.

Essentially they are micro particulate messenger packets of cells, that message cells and allow new cells to grow and change.

There area number of exosome companies and different ways to produce exosomes.

We will continue to assess and look at research to decide their use.

NCTF Boost

A topical revitalising solution with HA, and 60 revitalising ingredients.

Some of the ingredients are-

  • vitamins
  • amino acids
  • coenzymes
  • nucleic acids
  • gluathion.

This is usually a 3-session treatment plan each spaced apart by 2 weeks.

What will you see?

  • smoothed skin
  • better skin tone
  • reduced wrinkles.
Areas to treat-





thighs and cellulite.

Either with a needle or micro-cannula and usually in combination with gel therapy to maximize results.

TGA Guidelines prohibit us from naming S4 medications, please contact us for a full consultation.