
What we see in the mirror can be improved by what influences our profile.
dr young clinic profile

If you look carefully at the picture of the lady( 1), you will see highlights on her face; these are points to optimise and, in so doing, allow light to be reflected off her face.
These can enhance a patient's appearance in addition to reducing shadows.

We can improve your profile by balancing these features and keeping them proportionately. Having learnt some excellent tips from Dr. Thierry Bessins in AMWC, Monaco 2016, tweaking your Profile shape will make you more attractive.

We need to think in three dimensions to maximise our potential.
Areas to improve
Forehead/ glabella,
and to a lesser extent, cheeks and neck.
TGA guidelines prohibit us using the name of the product which is an S4 medication, for a complete assessment and plan please book a consultation.