Asian noses

An acute understanding of Asian face and nasal anatomy will allow optimal care and the best results.
Indeed, there are some specific details about the anatomy of Asian noses:
  1. Nasal Bridge: Asian noses typically have a lower and flatter nasal bridge, which refers to the area that runs from the top of the nose down to the tip. This can result in a less pronounced or "low" bridge than other ethnic groups.
  2. Nasal Bones: The nasal bones in Asian noses can be smaller and less prominent than in some other ethnicities. This contributes to the characteristic flatness of the bridge.
  3. Nostril Shape: Nostrils in Asian noses tend to be more rounded and narrower. This can give the nose a more refined appearance.
  4. Alar Base: The alar base, which is the width of the nostrils, can be slightly narrower in Asian noses. This is one reason why the nostrils can appear more modest in size.
  5. Tip Projection: The nasal tip can vary widely among individuals, but it's not uncommon for Asian noses to have a less projected or less defined nasal tip.
  6. Skin Thickness: Asian skin tends to have a thicker subcutaneous layer, which can influence the nose's appearance. Thicker skin might obscure specific finer nasal contours.
  7. Cartilage Structure: Cartilage within the nose contributes to its shape. In Asian noses, the cartilage may be softer and less structured, leading to a more subtle definition in some cases.
  8. Ethnic Variation: It's important to note that there is significant variation within the Asian population itself. There are various ethnicities and subgroups within Asia, each with unique facial characteristics, including nose anatomy.

These significant anatomical differences will influence what can and should be adjusted when using fillers on the nose and the type of filler and its placement.

The most common areas to augment are-
-Tip refinement and projection.

The " SEE-Saw concept" of Dr. Young is about the pivot point where you will add height and or lengthen the nose just like a see-saw.

Dr. Young does manage expectations and outcomes; it is essential to understand what is possible and what is safe.

Other more complex areas of the nose, especially after a Surgical Rhinoplasty-
-nostril roofs,
-curves in the nose
-columella scars.
( These are highly advanced areas, only to be considered after significant discussion and if the doctor is extensively experienced).